Smart Air Bricks
AirEx has created the world’s first smart air brick to reduce the home’s energy bills, helping to end fuel poverty and climate change with a simple building retrofit.
Their Floorvent solution is a like-for-like replacement of the traditional airbricks that ventilate suspended timber floors with smart airbrick. Floorvent air bricks have built-in sensors to measure the environmental conditions (such as temperature and relative humidity) and use smart software algorithms to automatically regulate airflow.
Each brick closes to reduce heat loss and improve thermal comfort but opens to reduce humidity and stop mould and damp.
Robust trials have shown that Airex Floorvent can save an average of 12% of whole home heat loss and led to the system being included in SAP (EPC). For most homes, Airex can contribute 2-4 EPC points.
How it Works
Smart air bricks open to allow adequate airflow, close to improve thermal performance
When closed
Heat loss is reduced
Energy consumption and heating costs are lowered
Thermal comfort is increased due to warmer homes and reduced draughts
When open
Air quality is maintained
Risk of damp, mould and timber rot is decreased
Resident Benefits
Annual Average Fuel Savings - £220/year
Improves thermal efficiency, so rooms warm up faster
Excludes unwanted draughts, improving airtightness and occupant’s thermal comfort
Helps householders save on heating bills by using 10-15% less energy
Ensures good air quality, mitigating condensation, timber rot & mould risk
Quick, non-disruptive install, taking only a couple of hours to replace existing bricks
Thanks to the modest upfront cost, the system pays back quickly
Quick, simple and hassle free. It takes our certified installers around one hour per home to fit and it does not require wiring or specialist electrical work. We provide comprehensive training and an app for installers to ensure seamless installation and connectivity. The home hub is installed inside a home and is connected to the WiFi router. Once up and running, AirEx does not require any occupant interaction to operate effectively – fit and forget.