Tector® Natural Finish is a dry-mixed natural hydraulic lime (NHL) mortar/render in 25kg paper bags.
Manufactured by Lafarge. Tector® Natural Finish is formulated from exclusive binders based on natural hydraulic lime (NHL 3.5), specially selected sands, aggregates and additives, intended for use on new and historic masonry. White in colour with an aggregate range of <1.5mm.
Tector® Natural Finish has specific adhesion and durability properties particularly adapted for the intended use for new-build and restoration works.
Suitable as a base and top coat plaster/render for internal and external use onto various types of new and historic lime base coats, masonry & boards. Including: Bricks, blocks, stone, masonry, wood wool boards up to 9mm per coat.
Suitable as a fine top coat as part of the Tector® Natural system applied on top of Tector® Natural Base.
Also used for laying and pointing internally or externally onto: brick, block, stone and other new and historic masonry.
This product can be applied both manually and mechanically with a spraying or coating machine.
The features and benefits of Tector® Natural Finish are:
Mechanical Characteristics:
Compressive strength Class CS I EN 1015-11
≥ 0.4 MPa at 28 days
Adhesion to brick and block / Modulus of fracture:
≥ 0,2 MPa / A and B EN 1015-12
Modulus of elasticity - 4000 N/mm2 BS 1881-5
Density - 1800 ± 50 kg/m3 EN 1015-10
Capillarity Class - <0,2 kg/m2 x min. 1/2 W2 EN 1015-18
Permeability to water vapour μ < 6 EN 1015-19
Cost-effective, ready-to-use, Natural Hydraulic Lime mortar, plaster/render available in 25kg paper bags.
<1.5mm fine grade in a white colour.
Layer thickness: 4-9mm
Coverage (Mortar):
4m2 brick pointing @ 25mm depth on a 10mm bed
Lays 20-25 bricks on an 10mm bed.
Coverage (Plaster/Render):
4m2 top coat @ 4mm depth.
25kg paper bag | 40 x 25kg bags per pallet